Bitcoin Insurance: Is It Even Possible?

Digital Insurance


It has just happened again: A hacker stole cryptocurrencies worth around 600 million dollars in the USA. Affected was the platform Poly Network, which specializes in the transfer or exchange of cryptocurrencies: The thief had cracked the security systems and hijacked balances of the cryptocurrencies Ethereum, BSC (Binance), and Polygon. Later, he returned the credits – in return he was promised a reward of half a million dollars.


The same thing has happened often enough with Bitcoin. In North Korea, according to media reports, there are entire departments of state-controlled hackers who specialize in illegal blockchain operations – i.e. theft. In this way, they help to finance the regime.


Even without thieves, a Bitcoin balance can be lost. If the keys are on a hard drive, there is a risk of hardware damage or unintentional overwriting. That is why it is critical to use crypto wallets like Coinbase and MetaMask (see the Coinbase Wallet vs MetaMask comparison here) which are secured platforms to store your digital assets.


Particularly spectacular is the case of the virtual Bitcoin millionaire Stefan Thomas: He owns a hard disk with Bitcoins worth a nine-digit dollar amount. What he lacks is the hard drive password, because he forgot that. The backup software of the disk allows two more input attempts. Then the maximum number of failed attempts is reached, and the security program deletes the data on the hard disk.


ALSO READ: AXA Accepts Bitcoin as Means of Payment


Is it possible to insure Bitcoin?

The short answer is: There is currently no property insurance for Bitcoin that replaces the loss or theft. This is due to the fact that insurers can hardly calculate the risk. After all, it depends on the price development. The legal status and official value are unclear, as Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co. are not official means of payment and, unlike foreign exchange balances or securities, are not subject to accounting regulations. From a property insurer’s point of view, Bitcoin balances in the portfolio to be insured, i.e.dem assets of the company, do not appear as a specific value.


In addition, in the event of mass theft, as with Poly Network, very extensive insurance claims threaten in one fell swoop. Such risks also make property insurers shy away.


The bottom line: There have been previous announcements of Bitcoin insurance products. Corresponding offers did not come on the market.

A fidelity insurance or cyber insurance can help with clarification

Better are the prospects of covering the damage if you suspect that your own employees or agents have stolen or embezzled Bitcoin balances. If the company has fidelity insurance or cyber insurance, the insurer can cover the costs of forensic investigation. Experts in IT forensics can point the way to the perpetrators, from whom you can get the credits back with a little luck. Of course, the claim depends on the insurance terms of the policy.


AXA Accepts Bitcoin as Means of Payment




The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been part of the news and current coverage since its launch in 2009. Meanwhile, the price of Bitcoin can be found on news channels and trading platforms in addition to the current share prices, the gold and oil prices. And the Swiss group of AXA insurance accepts Bitcoin as a means of payment.


More and more service providers and especially online shops accept Bitcoin as a legitimate means of payment. Since the beginning of April, this has also included AXA Insurance Switzerland. Here, private customers are now free to choose whether they want to pay their bills via Bitcoin. Only bills from life insurance companies cannot be paid with the new payment method.


This was preceded at the end of 2019 by a market research survey by AXA Insurance on the subject of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Here, a third of respondents stated that they own or would be interested in cryptocurrencies. In the course of the corona crisis, the prices of Bitcoin rose, with which the topic picked up speed again.


AXA Insurance sees itself equipped for the future with the new payment option and wants to meet the increasing demand for different payment methods.


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How does bitcoin payment work?


AXA insurance works in Switzerland with the payment service provider inapay and the broker Bitcoin-Suisse.


The customer can start a payment process at inapay using the reference number and the amount of the e-mail invoice. There, the customer then receives an overview of the number of Bitcoins he will pay and at what exchange rate (Bitcoin to Swiss francs) they are currently traded. Because contrary to what you might expect, Bitcoins do not end up in a Bitcoin wallet of AXA insurance. The broker converts the Bitcoins directly into Swiss francs and transfers the money to the insurance company.


The exchange rate is fixed for a certain period of time so that in the event of changes in the price of Bitcoin, the customer himself does not bear the exchange rate risk. At the same time, AXA insurance itself does not charge any fees for the transaction. There are only 1.75 percent fees at the broker Bitcoin-Suisse, which are already included in the exchange rate.


The customer himself does not need a separate registration, only his own Bitcoin wallet and the e-mail invoice must be available.


Further prospects for the future


AXA Insurance Switzerland would like to continue to expand its payment offering in the future. The Swiss payment system TWINT will soon also be activated. Other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum are not yet followed. First of all, AXA insurance would like to gain experience with the payment option Bitcoin.
