Car insurance is mandatory protection that every four-wheeled vehicle owner must-have. By having insurance, car owners will be protected from various risks such as damage and loss of a vehicle. Just imagine, how much money will you spend if the car is damaged in an accident?


In addition to spending your money on car repairs, you still have to spend money on medical expenses. Bother right? It’s a different story if you are a car insurance user. You feel much more confident and calm. If you are a vehicle insurance user, you know that you can somehow receive a settlement claim. But while claims can take some time, you may want to consider taking out car accident loans. But this time, we will discuss how to claim all risk car insurance.


If you already have insurance or plan to choose car insurance, let’s see how easy it is to claim the following all risk car insurance.


Car Insurance Explained



2 Types of Car Insurance


Before we start discussing the steps of vehicle insurance claims, it helps us review knowing the types of car insurance. In general, there are two types of vehicle insurance namely: All risk and TLO (Total Lost Only). This is important for new car owners who want to buy insurance so that later you will not choose the wrong type of car insurance.


What’s the difference between all risk and TLO car insurance?


TLO car insurance. From the name, we can already guess if this type of car insurance only protects the insured from the risk of loss due to total loss. The purpose of total loss here is a condition where the car is damaged at least 75% or lost due to theft. This type of insurance premium is usually cheaper than all risk car insurance.


All risk car insurance. In addition to protecting the owner from losses due to total loss, all risk insurance covers risks for all types of damage, ranging from mild to severe. However, not all risks are covered by this type of insurance. One example is the risk of damage due to riots. Usually, to get this protection, the insurance owner must purchase additional benefits/rider.


Car Insurance Claim Conditions


Before making a car insurance claim, you must have prepared all claim requirements. It means that the insurance claim process will be smoother. Actually, the terms of the car insurance claim are listed on the insurance policy. In the policy, information about the documents that must be prepared when submitting a claim is explained in full.


Well, in general, here are the documents that you must prepare if you want to claim all risk car insurance:


  • Original and photocopy insurance policy
    Photocopy of Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK)
    Evidence of police reports (for lost and heavily damaged vehicles due to accidents)
    Claim form that has been filled and signed
    written chronology
    Photographs (if the vehicle is damaged such as blisters, dents, etc.)

In certain all risk car insurance products, protection does not only cover the risks experienced by insurance owners, but also third parties. For example, when an insurance owner has an accident to damage someone else’s vehicle, insurance can be used to pay for the damage suffered by that other person. However, you must add a number of documents in addition to the conditions mentioned above. Additional requirements include:


  • Photocopy of KTP, SIM and third-party vehicle registration
    Letter of claim from a third party signed and stamped
    Declaration that the third party does not have vehicle insurance.
    Certificate from the police regarding accidents.


Procedure for Claiming All Risk Car Insurance


As mentioned above, car insurance claim procedures are very easy. After all claim requirements are complete, the following steps must be followed:


  • If the vehicle is damaged, immediately photograph the damaged part. The photo is used as supporting evidence for the claim
    If the vehicle is damaged by accident, immediately make a written chronology. This step is made so that you do not forget the details of the incident
    Go to a garage that is registered as your insurance partner
    If you are out of the box, contact your insurance agent and tell us your problem. Usually, the agent will recommend a particular workshop
    Fill in the claim form available at the workshop. After the signature and stamp, attach other requirements
    The repair shop will confirm with the insurance company. If the claim submission is approved, your car will be repaired immediately.

Meanwhile, the way to claim car insurance for a case of loss is different steps, which are as follows:


  • After the loss, immediately report the case to the police
    Make a written chronology of cases of lost vehicles,
    Bring all the requirements such as KTP, SIM, STNK, BPKB (if any), insurance policy and loss report letter to the insurance office,
    File a claim.

That’s the way to claim all risk car insurance. For those of you who haven’t insured your vehicle, don’t wait until something bad happens.

Protect your favorite car immediately with the best vehicle insurance.
